Jeanette Blake(1) was born on
29 Dec 1889 in Jefferson Co, FL. She died on 25 Sep 1968. She was buried.
She was married to Macey Roy Bixler on 9 Jan 1909
in Jefferson Co, FL. Children were: Theodore James Bixler
, Robert Guy Bixler, Georgia
Ruth Bixler, Thomas Glen Bixler,
Naomi Martha Bixler.
Blake(1) was born on 12 Jul 1719.
She was married to Thomas Maxwell on 2 May 1737 in
Christ Church, Middlesex, Virginia. Children were:
Thomas Maxwell.
Blake(1) was born on 24 Oct 1902.
He died in Dec 1966. Parents: Edward Blake and
Myrtle E. Bixler.
May Blake(1) was born.She was married
to William Scott Schuyler on 17 Feb 1940. Children
were: Stephen Blake Schuyler,
William Randolph Schuyler.
Blaney(1) was born in 1872. Parents:
Jackson Blaney and Darcus
Blaney(1) was born in 1872. Parents:
Jackson Blaney and Darcus
Blaney(1) was born on 26 Jan 1883.
She died on 12 Jan 1970 in Morgantown, West Virginia. She was buried in Morgantown,
West Virginia. Parents: Jackson Blaney and
Darcus Koontz.She was married to ? Van Dusen
Blaney(1) was born in 1867. Parents:
Jackson Blaney and Darcus
Blaney(1) was born in 1832.He was
married to Darcus Koontz. Children were:
Lillie May Blaney, George Blaney,
Charles Blaney, Bert Blaney,
Willie Blaney, Edna Blaney.
May Blaney(1) was born on 5 May 1865
in Monongalia County, West Virginia. She died on 23 Apr 1946 in Morgantown,
West Virginia. She was buried on 26 Apr 1946 in Morgantown, West Virginia.
Parents: Jackson Blaney and
Darcus Koontz.She was married to John Lucas "Pete"
Smith on 13 Oct 1888 in West Virginia. Children were:
Sadie Alice Smith, Roy Smith,
Bert Smith, Maude Smith,
Blanche Smith, George Jackson Smith,
Charles Reuben Smith, Mary Smith.
Blaney(1) was born in 1878. Parents:
Jackson Blaney and Darcus
Nancy Blodgett(1) was born. She died.
She was buried.She was married to Marion Frank Bixler
. Children were: Franklin Asa Bixler.
Blosser(1) was born.She was married
to Jacob Heistand. Children were:
David Heistand.
Frances Blount (Private).Children were: Steven
Scott Christian, Karen Elizabeth Christian,
Devin Alan Christian.
Boatwright(1) was born.She was married
to Lee Dewitt Christian. Children were:
Purvis Christian, Ralph Dudley Christian.
Boehm(1) was born.She was married
to Abraham Heistand in 1763.
Bogen(1) was born on 2 Mar 1950. She
died. She was buried.She was married to Thomas Paul
Bixler in 1967. Children were: Kimberly Sue Bixler
Melissa Boggs(1) was born on 29 Jul
1827. She died on 12 Oct 1910 in Gouldbust, Coleman, Texas.She was married
to George Asbury Christian on 14 Feb 1860. Children
were: Bettie Lucretia Christian.
Bond(1) was born.He was married
to Elizabeth C Christian on 6 Aug 1835 in Elbert
County, Georgia.
Bond(1) was born.She was married
to Malcome Jerome Roberts on 16 Jun 1893 in Mississippi.
Children were: Earnest Seale Roberts,
Kirby Wilton Roberts, Malcolm Mettie Roberts
, Gertrude Roberts, Mack
Jerome Roberts.
(1) was born. She died. She was buried.
She was married to Eruni Son Of Dunegal in 1060.
Children were: Gilchrist Son Of Eruni.
Carol Boone (Private). Parents: William Terrill Boone
and Carolyn Stafford.Children were:
Erinn Brittany Harbin, James Cody Harbin.
Dewitt Boone(1) was born.Children
were: William Terrill Boone.
Mary Elizabeth
Boone (Private). Parents: William Terrill Boone
and Carolyn Stafford.
Kay Boone (Private). Parents: William Terrill Boone
and Carolyn Stafford.Children were:
Katelyn Rose Connell.
Terrill Boone (Private). Parents: Marvin Dewitt Boone
and Gertrude Mildred Beck.He was married to
Carolyn Stafford on 13 Jun 1964 in Mobile, Alabama. Children were:
Lynda Carol Boone, Mary Elizabeth Boone,
Sherron Kay Boone.
Booth(1) was born. Parents:
W. G. Booth and Rossie Christian.
C Booth(1) was born in Sep 1854 in
? Franklin County, Georgia.She was married to Ira
Jackson Harby Christian on 10 Dec 1874. Children were:
Jesse Vandiver Christian, Mamie Christian,
Lizzie Christian, Tommie Christian,
Lou Charles Christian, Howard Christian.
G. Booth(1) was born.He was married
to Rossie Christian. Children were:
Clarence Booth.
Boothe(1) was born.She was married
to Allen Jones Hudson on 16 Dec 1919.
Laura Boozer(1) was born.She was
married to William Montgomery Dial. Children were:
Willie Camilla Dial, Charles
M Dial, James Jackson Dial.
Borden(1) was born. He died. He was
buried. Parents: Benjamin Borden.He was married
to Magdalena Woods. Children were:
Martha Borden.
Borden(1) was born. He died. He was
buried.He was married. Children were: Benjamin Borden
Borden(1) was born. She died. She
was buried. Parents: Benjamin Borden and
Magdalena Woods.She was married to Robert Hervey
P Borden(1) was born in Nov 1855 in
? Franklin County, Georgia.She was married to Charles
W Christian on 8 Feb 1882 in Elbert County, Georgia. Children were:
Zade Christian, Claude Christian,
Beulah Christian, Clovis Christian,
Ida Christian, Unnamed Christian.
Bordt(1) was born about 1655 in Tyrrell
Co, NC. He died. He was buried.He was married to
Mary. Children were: Marya Bordt Bird.
Mae Bosarge(1) died in 1974. She was
born. Parents: William Bosarge and
Lucinda Clark.She was married to John Henry Logan
. Children were: Edna Inez Logan.
Bosarge(1) was born.She was married
to Eldridge Wilkerson.
Bosarge(1) was born in 1840. He died
in 1923.He was married to Lucinda Clark. Children
were: Della Mae Bosarge.
Boshears(1) was born.She was married
to Howard Bruce Mathers.
Bostic(1) was born.Children were:
Walter Leake, Judith Ann Leake
, Mary Leake, William Leake
, Peter Leake, Jane Leake
, Richard Leake.
Bottorff(1) was born in 1795. She
died in 1881. She was buried. Parents: Rev. John Henry
Bottorff and Sophia.She was married to
John Genote.
Bottorff(1) was born on 9 Nov 1819.
She died on 13 Oct 1901. She was buried. Parents:
Jacob Bottorff and Mary Smyser.She was married
to James Harvey Ford on 19 Sep 1838. Children were:
Ora Ford, Mary Ford,
James Harvey Ford, Alice
Virginia Ford.
Bottorff(1) was born about 1790. He
died. He was buried. Parents: Rev. John Henry Bottorff
and Sophia.He was married to
Mary Smyser. Children were: Elvira Bottorff
John Henry Bottorff(1) was born on
17 Oct 1754 in Durham, Durham Co, NC. He died on 10 May 1806. He was buried.
He was married to Sophia. Children were:
Jacob Bottorff, Elizabeth Bottorff,
Rev. Peter Bottorff.
Peter Bottorff(1) was born about 1798.
He died on 12 Dec 1861. Parents: Rev. John Henry Bottorff
and Sophia.He was married to
Sarah Fry.
Botts(1) was born on 12 Jan 1993.
She died. She was buried. Parents: Marc Botts and
Susan Marie Bixler.
Botts(1) was born. He died. He was
buried.He was married to Susan Marie Bixler on
13 May 1989. Children were: Kassandra Botts.
S. Boulware(1) was born. She died.
She was buried. Parents: Ramsey Boulware and
Lucy Ford.She was married to William Clore
in 1839.
Lemuel F. Boulware(1) was born. He
died. He was buried. Parents: Ramsey Boulware and
Lucy Ford.
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